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Support TAC

Many people go without mental health services because they simply can’t afford them. Your gift helps increase access.

All therapy and assessments at TAC are offered on a sliding scale. We depend on donations to lower the bottom end of our scale, removing financial barriers to care. Our sliding scale model means therapy and assessments are more affordable, even without any mental health insurance coverage. Your gift saves lives.

You can make a donation by credit card or e-check, using the form below. By making a one-time or recurring gift, you bring compassionate, science-backed, culturally responsive care to people who need it. Your gift brings hope.

A gift of any size makes a difference. If you'd like to discuss making a larger contribution, or if you need a receipt or written disclosure for your donation, please feel free to contact our financial officer directly. TAC is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit and donations are tax deductible. Your gift makes non-profit mental health care possible.

You can help support evidence-based, justice-oriented mental health.

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