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Our Mission

Tray of powdered paint in vibrant rainbow colors

The Affirmative Collective (TAC) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization formed in 2021. We are united in the following commitments:

Tray of powdered paint in vibrant rainbow colors

The Affirmative Collective (TAC) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization formed in 2021. We are united in the following commitments:

We believe that justice requires broadening access to quality care. Cutting edge, science-backed care is often exorbitantly expensive, and these treatments should not be reserved for the wealthy.

We believe that justice requires broadening access to quality care. Cutting edge, science-backed care is often exorbitantly expensive, and these treatments should not be reserved for the wealthy.

TAC is committed to the pursuit of psychology as a science and the dissemination of interventions that are evidence-based and evidence-supported. Clients invest their time, their money, and their trust in therapy. We have an ethical obligation to offer research-backed, effective interventions.

For us, this also means keeping up to date on the research in our field and providing transparency with clients about the strengths and limitations in that research. But the best therapy in the world is ineffective if a client can’t afford it.

TAC aims to provide world-class, evidence-based mental health services in financially accessible ways. We meet this goal through our unique pricing structure.

Every client is charged a sliding scale rate based on income. As a non-profit organization, we fundraise and accept donations. Those funds go directly to lowering the bottom edge of our sliding scale. The more support we receive, the more clients we can reach.

Former TAC clinician LeAnne Zaire looking delighted in her graduate regalia

LeAnne Zaire, Former TAC Clinician

Former TAC clinician LeAnne Zaire looking delighted in her graduate regalia

LeAnne Zaire, Former TAC Clinician

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We believe that cultural responsiveness (and humility) must be more than a slogan.

We reckon with our field’s oppressive history. We study how psychological research has been—and is being—used to promote oppressive agendas. And we believe that an active anti-oppression stand is an ethical obligation for all psychologists.

Two Latinx women in pink kissing, backed by soft-lit trees

We believe that cultural responsiveness (and humility) must be more than a slogan. We reckon with our field’s oppressive history. We study how psychological research has been—and is being—used to promote oppressive agendas. And we believe that an active anti-oppression stand is an ethical obligation for all psychologists.

TAC offers careful, intentional, justice-oriented application of evidence-based care. We think a case conceptualization should include an explicit consideration of the social, cultural, political, structural, and institutional forces that come into play for a client, and they should inform our treatment plans. All of our care is HAES-aligned and uses a harm reduction lens.

We are committed to the idea of concientización – that political consciousness-raising and community pride can be powerful interventions. We believe in a psychology that’s from marginalized populations and not merely for marginalized populations.

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We believe that evidence-based treatment is only as good as the science behind it. And there is always room for better science.

We believe that evidence-based treatment is only as good as the science behind it. And there is always room for better science.

TAC aims to generate and disseminate research that includes—and centers—the experiences of underserved and marginalized populations. We believe that the scientific method offers a powerful means to test assumptions… and that it can only test questions that are asked (and funded). To love evidence-based practice is to push for its continual improvement.

Grey-haired East-Asian woman holding a sketchpad and her dog on her lap
Grey-haired East-Asian woman holding a sketchpad and her dog on her lap
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We believe that psychology is better when psychologists represent the communities they serve.

Young person with dramatic eye makeup and cheekbone highlight wearing a blazer and smiling
Young person with dramatic eye makeup and cheekbone highlight wearing a blazer and smiling

We believe that psychology is better when psychologists represent the communities they serve.

According to the most recent data from the American Psychological Association, 83% of American psychologists are White, 4% Asian, 3% Black, and 7% Latinx. Demographic surveys show that 95% of American psychologists are able-bodied.

It was only in March 2021 that the APA adopted a resolution against coercive effects to change individual’s gender identity, i.e. trans “conversion” therapy. The vast majority of American psychologists are white, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied, non-immigrants who have the social, structural, and financial support to get a doctorate degree.

This is not representative of our communities.

TAC believes that a key to increasing justice in psychology is changing the face of the field. We aim to develop and promote the careers of psychologists and psychologists-in-training who hold marginalized identities through advanced training and mentorship.

We pay fair wages, and our doctoral students are provided with paid advanced training every year. This helps our clinicians be maximally effective serving our communities and helps promote the careers of doctoral students who might not otherwise have access to the most specialized (and expensive) training. TAC believes that improving the pipeline for doctoral students means a more diverse field of psychologist in the future.

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Do you share our commitments?

Become part of the movement!

Donate and help change the future of mental health!

Do you share our commitments? Become part of the movement!

Donate to TAC and help change the future of mental health!

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